Queensland Weather Forecasts

Queensland Weather Forecasts

Brisbane Weather Radar

HinchinbrookIsland - Queensland Weather ForecastsQueensland is a big place and could easily swallow up a half a dozen United Kingdoms, a Texas or five Japans. Consequently the weather varies a bit depending upon where you find yourself. However, as Queensland Weather Forecasts often tell us. Sunshine and warm weather are rarely far away.

How much rain has fallen in Brisbane?

Brisbane Weather now

Queensland Weather Forecasts

Where is the rain falling in Brisbane?

Brisbane Weather Radar

Is it raining – 256k around Brisbane? If monitored this one can tell if it’s heading our way or how long any current rain is likely to last. Note it only shows rain, not clouds. Check out the Queensland weather forecasts below:

Brisbane, Queensland Weather Forecasts

Queensland Weather Forecast

Queensland Rain and Water Reserves – Raining? Check to see where it’s been falling

It does rain in the Sunshine State but it’s no messing kind of rain. It tends to rain a lot very quickly. If you want to avoid the rain head inland.

Daily Queensland Rain Summary

What’s the Weather Like in Queensland?

Queensland is also a pretty laid-back kind of place so rather than have to bother with the traditional four seasons most of Queensland settles for just two. Wet, hot and sometimes humid with cool and unusually dry. With climate change the days when these ‘seasons’ happen can be a little difficult to predict but the makers of Queensland Weather Forecasts do a pretty good job 🙂

Generally the hot stuff is at the end and beginning of the year whilst the cooler time is in the middle. Average temperatures vary from 24°C down to around 9°C.

Does it Snow in Queensland?

Obviously the weather varies tremendously across the state from snow in the highlands to scorching temperatures nudging 50°C in the desert.

Weather in South-East Queensland

Arguably the south-east of Queensland gets the best weather mix ranging from 28°C down to 20°C during the warmer months. It is only slightly cooler during the middle of year. Average daily maximum temperature are around 20°C. Average daily minimum temperature drops to around 9°C. Not surprising then that this is where most people live.

To do in Brisbane | Things to do near Brisbane | Queensland including the Great Barrier Reef | Sunshine Coast